Tips For How Beginners Can Start Working Out at Home

 Set foot into your best gym shoes for the best fitness journey.

Even if the world is on pause right now, why should we stop our hustle and play? Let your progress begin outside your comfort zone but inside your home! Motivating yourself to begin your home workout journey might be one of the most challenging habits to build. Nothing is impossible with the right mindset and the best gym shoes for women and men. Before you read this and already give up on the idea of a home workout, let’s talk about the benefits of a home workout. Why home workout? Before you invest your time, effort, or money to get your workout mats, gym wear shoes, here is how home exercise works like magic.

  • Exercise boosts your mood. Let your happy hormones lift your mood.
  • You get to explore and improve your body’s creativity, endurance, and flexibility.
  • Good workout session leads to a better diet and better sleep.
  • Home workout is a comfortable environment for you and your pockets.
  • Workout boosts brain and body health.
  • Home workout is the answer to saving time.
  • You can replace heavy equipment workouts with minimal workout types. The most you need are the best gym shoes!

Are you confused about where and how to begin?

Here are some exercises (cardio + strength) as a beginner you would consider starting with:

  • Sit-Ups - Basic but effective. Aim for 20 to start, and work your way up.
  • Crunches - Aiming to have a strong core? Set a target for three sets of 20.
  • Planks - Start with one-minute planks. Rest on your elbows and toes and keep your back and legs straight.
  • Bicycle - Feet in the air and lie on your back, and begin pumping your legs.
  • Squat - Turn your feet slightly outwards. Drop your set to the height of your
  • knee - Do two sets of 10
  • Push-ups - You can start with a group of 20.
  • Lunges - Put on your best gym wear and start by standing with your feet parallel to each other. Take a large stride forward with your right leg, landing on your toes with your knee bent. Allow your rear knee to fall to the ground while swinging your left arm forward to maintain balance. To get back to standing, push off your right front foot. Perform two sets of ten reps on each side.
  • Jogging, running, high jumps, high knees.
As a beginner, you might have a love-hate relationship with your exercise routine. Embrace and enjoy your activities without caring too much about the result!

Here is how you can stick to your workout game

  • We are all different with different needs. Create your detailed exercise plan and stick to it. One plan doesn’t fit everyone. Your plan depends on your lifestyle, age, fitness, and much more.
  • Do not stress out if you just work out for 20 minutes a day. Working out for long hours doesn’t equate to better results.
  • Keep rewarding yourself with post-workout treats if you feel too exhausted.
  • Set new goals. Once you get better at a particular workout, increase the number of sets or increase your workout time.
  • Get your essential, good-quality equipment —a handy towel, water sipper, gym mat, light dumbbell set, etc.— to prevent any possible leg or back injuries.
Best gym training shoes that can make your workout easier

Asics shoes, which have been producing footwear for more than 50 years, is a trusted brand and pocket-friendly. Asics gym shoes can help you maintain your stand, flexibility during your exercise, especially preventing the risk of shin splints. The shoes have gel cushioning that protects the body during high-impact activities. These shoes hug the feet and provide extra support while improving stability and durability, which will revolutionize your workout game. 

Visit Asics India to buy best gym gear for men & women now!


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